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WMHS Course Description Guide

2025-26 Course Description Guide

View course descriptions and fees for each course.

Course Selection Sheets

In-person students should receive a course selection sheet from his/her Social Studies teacher.  ALL forms for kids currently in grades 9-11 are due to their Focus teacher by February 5.  Students in 8th grade should return their course selection sheet to their Social Studies teacher by February 5.  Be sure to select for the grade the student will be in NEXT school year.

Students currently enrolled in the SWLDA should view the appropriate course sheet here also in order to assist them in entering courses using the online form located at:   SWLDA Online Form

9th Grade Course Selection Sheet

10th Grade Course Selection Sheet

11th Grade Course Selection Sheet

12th Grade Course Selection Sheet

Scheduling Information:

Information  shared with current 8th graders in Social Studies classes on Jan. 21:

2025-26 9th grade scheduling meeting ppt. 

Information shared with current 9-11th graders in Social Studies classes on Jan. 21: 

2025-26 10-11-12 grade scheduling meeting ppt.

Parent Information shared  January 29, 2025: 

2029 Parent Meeting 9th. ppt

Parent meeting with slides AND audio: